Sunday, February 6, 2011

Casino Night

My school was hosting a "Casino Night" last night to fundraise for the Gala they will have soon, so my mother asked if I could bake some cupcakes for the event. An order of 4 dozen.

Although I wasn't getting paid, I thought it would be a good way to advertise for myself (lets see if that worked!)

Here are how the cupcakes turned out:

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Tres Leches.

Just hearing the name gets me all excited.

I am going to attempt to make this next weekend.
Lets hope it turns out fabulous!


I'll update!

Yes I know, I've been missing for quite some time

And to tell you the truth my cupcake business has been on a roller coaster.

During the Christmas Holidays it was doing quite fabulous, not to brag but around $200 in one week!

Anyway, after it went down, I guess some people haven't been having a reason to celebrate.

Well, I am back, and I really feel like I am going to be doing well, I have updated my website, made some business cards, am going to try some new things, and I already had two cupcake orders made today!

So I hope things will go well. I have a order to post, whenever i find my camera!