Sunday, February 6, 2011

Casino Night

My school was hosting a "Casino Night" last night to fundraise for the Gala they will have soon, so my mother asked if I could bake some cupcakes for the event. An order of 4 dozen.

Although I wasn't getting paid, I thought it would be a good way to advertise for myself (lets see if that worked!)

Here are how the cupcakes turned out:

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Tres Leches.

Just hearing the name gets me all excited.

I am going to attempt to make this next weekend.
Lets hope it turns out fabulous!


I'll update!

Yes I know, I've been missing for quite some time

And to tell you the truth my cupcake business has been on a roller coaster.

During the Christmas Holidays it was doing quite fabulous, not to brag but around $200 in one week!

Anyway, after it went down, I guess some people haven't been having a reason to celebrate.

Well, I am back, and I really feel like I am going to be doing well, I have updated my website, made some business cards, am going to try some new things, and I already had two cupcake orders made today!

So I hope things will go well. I have a order to post, whenever i find my camera!

Saturday, October 23, 2010


ever since I've been making these humming bird cupcakes for everyone I feel like my cupcake making skills have gone down.


The bigger the better!

My mother and I recently went to a cupcake class at this wonderful store called Sur La Table, and as we were there I found these really wonderful baking cups!

So, right away I needed to test them out!
and they work like wonders :)

Made a big cupcake for my step-mom and I cant wait to see how it taste!

Monday, October 11, 2010

More of the bird.

So, the Hummingbird cupcakes have definitely raised to the top since their arrival.
Tomorrow is my lovely friend Laura's birthday, and so I made her favorite.

Ps. I went to Kroger today for my supplies and I found these super wonderful cupcake cups, and they help the baking process! I'm in love!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

I feel terrible!

I have not been updating as much as I should, but I promise I will soon. I have a few orders coming up (hopefully) and I think I may just make my own cupcakes for my own sake.

Hope everyone is doing lovely!